The original team of Dogecoin created a NFT project & DAO, and proposal of rewarding is live

NFT has gradually become the top topic in the encryption circle. The revolution of NFT re-creation and Metaverse has aroused people's attention and heated discussion.

MetaDoge NFT launched and created by the original team of Dogecoin has a surprised beginning! The price of MetaDoge NFT soared by 40 times from 0.05Eth to 2 Eth in less than 48 hours after its first issue. Obviously, the achievement relies on the supporters of dogecoin all over the world, who believe Metadoge NFT will recreate the miracle of dogecoin.

Metadoge NFT is getting more trust. Metadoge DAO has been set up, and the first proposal of rewarding is up and running. Airdrop or buyback is coming for NFT owners. It seems that Metadoge DAO can help doges to achieve new milestone in the future.

The first proposal in Metadoge DAO is about how to reward the community. Anyone owning at least one Metadoge nft as of snapshot time will be eligible for the rewards.
1-dogecoin airdrop
2-7.5% of royalty as airdrop
3-NFTs repurchased from market and burned.

MetaDoge DAO is governed by smart contracts that function autonomously without a central authority. Autonomy and self-evolution will lead to a more effective organization. It is said Metadoge DAO will create a metaverse full of surprises, where Metadoge NFT is the pass, and the earlier a person buy metadoge nft, the more bonus they will get.

Obviously, Metadoge DAO is growing rapidly under the help of dogecoin supporters. According to their road map, they will empower Metadoge NFT though gamefi, brands collaboration, physical production or other innovation. Looking forward to the doge metaverse with millions of members.

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